About SLM
"Reaching the unreached"
Mathew 9 :38
Mark and Julias along with their families are Kenya missionaries that have been working in South Sudan for many years, in some of the most remote areas, among many unreached people groups.
At present they are working amongst the Toposa people using Disciple Making Movements as a tool to engage this people group and many others including the Nyangatom, Jie, Kachipo, people in the Nuba Mountains and Murle.
These are our two main focus areas.
Discipleship through DMM
Planting churches
Raising leaders
Community Transformation
Sports ministry
Water drilling
Empowering self-help groups

Our Vision
Our goal is to reach the unreached peoples in South Sudan, and beyond, with the good news of Jesus Christ and see His glory be made known.
We initially set out in 2018 with the goal of "100 churches in 5 years".
To date, through DMM as a tool, we have seen over 70 fellowships planted 7,000 people come to the Lord and over 3,000 people baptized.
Currently, we are working among the unreached people groups 'UPGS' in Eastern Equatorial region of South Sudan, but are looking to expand across the whole of Sudan and even into its neighbouring countries soon.
If you would like to support our efforts, donate towards our cause or come out and visit us please get in touch. The harvest is great but the labours are few.
God bless you.
Meet the Team

Mark & Lorna
Mark a Kenyan, was raised as a missionary kid in South Sudan, after completing his education he went to Harbingers Bible College with his wife Lorna, then later AIC Missionary College Eldoret.
Mark, his wife, Lorna and 5 children have spent many yeas in South Sudan. They are fluent in English, Swahili Toposa, Nayngatom, Pokot & Juba Aribic.
They founded SLM in 2018 and since then, have been leading this team in DMM work across South Sudan, and are often training people in DMM across the rest of Africa.
Curenltly Mark and his wife live on the mission station in Naliel while the children attend boarding school in Kenya.

Julius & Pasquina Magu
Julius, a Kenyan, married to Pasquina a South Sudanese, have 6 children and are based out of Kapenguria, Kenya.
They were trained and sent out as Baptist missionaries, over 17 years ago from Makutano Baptist church, but now consider AIC Gethsemane to be their sending church, and have also received training from AIC Missionary College Eldoret.
They have planted churches in Lodwar, Kakuma and Lokichogio among the Turkana of Kenya. They have also served as missionaries and planted churches among the Didinga, Lotuko and Toposa of South Sudan. Julius speaks over 7 languages including English, Swahili, Arabic, Didinga, Lotuko and Toposa and is a trained tailor.
Their children are currently in boarding school while they serve in South Sudan.

Isaiah & Nida Bwala
Isaiah and Nida along with their 7 children are from Kisumu, Kenya, and have been sent out as missionaries from their home church, Free Pentecostal Fellowship of Kenya (FPFK) Homabay.
They have served and planted churches as a family in South Sudan among the Jie and Toposa tribes since 2006. They are now living in Narus, South Sudan and speak Luo, English, Swahili, Arabic, and Toposa.
Isaiah and Nida have cross-cultural training from Harbingers Bible College.

Mary is a Ugandan by birth but was brought up in Kenya, she is married to Johanson Nachii from Turkana. They are blessed with a boy named Justus aged 9.
She has received cross-cultural training from Harbingers Bible and Missionary College and has been sent out by her home church, the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) Lodwar. She has planted churches in Namurpus, Loima and Lodwar among the Turkana and is now working among the Toposa in South Sudan.
She speaks Turkana, English and Swahili. She is currently serving as a single missionary among the Toposa in South Sudan.

Joseph Lemu is one of Mark and Lonah Sudanese disciples, who was brought to Kenya for primary school studies and later joined a Bible school at Harbingers Bible and Missionary College. After his training in Kenya, he returned to joined the SLM team in South Sudan to learn more about discipleship making.
SLM has sent him to Lotimor, South Sudan to start a new DMM work amongst his own people.
Joseph is a dedicated and working hard to reach his own people in Lotimor.

Eliah & Violet
Marks family took Eliah in as a young boy and have seen him through school from primary all the way to ETTI TEACHERS TRAINING COLLEGE for a certificate course in early childhood education development. Following that Eliah went on to study at Harbingers Bible and Missionary College.
Now Eliah and Violet are working at the SLM mission station in South Sudan, teaching in a school, they have helped to set up as well as running DMM work into the neighbouring unreached tribes.
Tribes we are working with

Nuba Mountains
Bible status
Written script - YES
Audio Bible - YES
*No official survey has been conducted in these regions.
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge.